Friday, May 15, 2020

Parenting and culture Essay - 1595 Words

The universality versus cultural specificity debate both have aspects that make sense and can be applied to childhood development. On one side, supporters of the argument for the universality of parenting suggest that certain types of parenting styles will produce the same child development outcomes in different cultures. On the other hand, the argument for cultural specificity states that different parenting practices vary from culture to culture, and that culture ultimately determines the outcomes of child development. Each culture has specific styles of parenting that instill values on children particular to that culture. Each individual has characteristics of what their parents taught them, which gives every individual their own†¦show more content†¦However, as for intergenerational differences, the Vietnamese had the largest discrepancy among immigrant groups. On the other hand, Mexican families did not show much intergenerational differences, where each generation had similar values despite the difference in demographics. Phinney et al. (2000) found that intergenerational difference between African and European American did not differ from Armenian and Mexican families. â€Å"These results suggest that discrepancies in values between parents and adolescents are not necessarily related to the immigrant experience† (Phinney et al., 2000, p. 536). Parents of all groups value family obligations to a greater extent than their children. This shows that no matter the culture, all children end up valuing family obligations a lot less than their parents do. Adolescents of first generation immigrant parents usually experience the most pressure from society to conform to their values and ideals. On the other hand, these immigrant parents have a difficult time adjusting to a society like the United States, because it is so different from their country of origin. Universality can also be applied to academic levels and motivation in children. Cheung and Pomerantz (2011) studied how European American and Chinese parents involvement in their childrens academics affected their childrens engagement in academics. Parenting styles can affect childrens learning ability, whether parents are authoritarian or authoritative.Show MoreRelatedParenting Styles and Culture1378 Words   |  6 PagesGiven the diverse cultures that can shape parenting behavior, some basic assumptions regarding the links between parenting styles and developmental outcomes may not be universal. Much research has been conducted on the different parenting styles across cultures. There are also many myths about which parenting style is the best or the most beneficial to the social development of children. 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